Cool Kids Bar
Taking a shower should never be dull for you children & that's why we've created the perfect bar for the coolest kid. Our Cool kids bar is made with key factor ingredients such as:
**CHAMOMILLE - Has antibacterial & Anti inflammatory properties which help cleanse the skin and helps reduce skin irritations for children with dry skin, eczema prone skin, and rosacea. It also neutralizes free radicals which helps prevent cancerous cells from forming.
** PATCHOULI - Treats skin conditions such as dermatitis, acne, dry, or cracked skin. Helps ease colds, headaches, and upset stomachs. It is also gentle on the skin, and promotes a smooth glowing complexion.
** HONEY - Has antibacterial & antiseptic properties so it rids the skin of dirt & bacteria and treats acne prone skin. It is FULL OF ANTIOXIDANTS & helps boost collagen production which will give your baby a nice glow.